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STRONA ARCHIWALNA - Centrum Zarządzania Innowacjami i Transferem Technologii PW

plakatMobility. No, we’re not talking about the smartphone you’re probably reading this text on, although it does play its part. We’re talking about transport of people. Individual, group, mass. Because no matter how many apps we have, for a majority of us a daily commute will remain daily in the foreseeable future. Hence, the way we move around our cities will greatly impact our lives, and economy.

During mobilityPoland 2016 we will look at the state of things as they currently are, and we’ll take a peek at the future. On and off stage. Both hard and soft solutions already in limited use, still in development or just thought about. Oh, and it won’t be just for the industry representatives. Stakes are high, so more stakeholders need to participate in discussion forming our common future. Expect public administration, university and independent researchers as well as everyday users.

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Post Author: Mac Ivan